Ceding the High Ground



In about 73 AD, legions of Roman soldiers besieged the hilltop fortress of Masada.  A small band of Jewish people were able to hold off the Roman army because of their strategic position on high ground.  A constructed siege ramp is testimony of the persistence of the Romans to defeat this small group of people.  According to the historical account, their strategic position also allowed them to control their own destiny, even in defeat.  It was only because of the enormous resources of the Roman army that they were able to conquer this small band of Jewish rebels. 

It is common knowledge that those who occupy the high ground have an enormous advantage.  One of the things that make the story of Masada so memorable is that this small band of people never left the high ground.  Even in defeat they never gave up the high ground, but chose to die there.  From their position on the high ground they could assess the strength and size of those who intended to destroy them.  They knew where they stood and what they stood for.  It is in from their stance on the high ground that we can draw inspiration and wisdom for the battles that we face against those who are intent upon destroying us.  If we cede the high ground we will lose the strategic position that is so necessary for our survival and victory.

“Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God.” (Ro 5:1-2 NAS)

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” (1Co 16:13 NAS)

There is a war going on in this once Christian nation.  The very foundation of this Nation is under attack as they are attempting to transform who we are as a nation.  The Biblical Moral Code, that is the foundation of our governing Law and determined who we were as a nation, is under attack.  The purpose of the attack is to destroy that foundation, usurping the authority of God and establishing Man’s rule as supreme. 

This is not a new war, for it has been raging from our beginning and the battles have at times been intense.  There have been some critical times in our history as a nation in which a dark cloud hovered over us.  In these times it was the truth embedded in our law and culture that helped us to overcome great odds.  It seems like each time we recovered from one of these crises that we emerged a little weaker than we had been before.  Compromises have been made through the years that have finally brought us to our present crisis that is attempting to complete our transformation to a secular society.  For many of the players in this war it is a matter of following an ideological path that they have been convinced will bring about happiness and fulfillment for them.  For those who view this war and battles from the high ground, it is clear that this is more than just a battle over ideology and control of our nation.  This is a war for men’s souls and the consequences are eternal.

Our Nation once stood as a sanctuary from tyranny.  It was a place where people could freely seek for truth and a place where the truth could be spoken freely without restriction.  Our forefathers believed that if given equal ground that the voice of truth would prevail.  Is it any wonder that the first attack on our freedom was to restrict the Word of God?  As the enemy gains control of our nations, we are witnessing a purging of the Word of God from our history, classrooms, public squares, and government.  How could this happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave?  How could the truth fall victim to the lie, if we are free?  What has happened? 

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph 6:12 NAS)

Simply put, those who occupied the high moral ground ceded that ground and were lured to the broad expansive plain of information and opinion.  In this expansive plane, the truth was questioned and compromised.  Yielding to the multitude, the truth was swept away by the flood.  The Law and the Prophets, the two guarding sentinels of our freedoms were removed from our schools, our homes, our government, and finally are being removed from our churches.  We forgot who we were up against.  We are up against the father of lies and his deceptions.  Lured to a lower level it is easy to get focused on people who carry these deceptive lies.  Our real battle is against the lies and ideas that are in rebellion to God and His Word.  We stood as a nation on the high ground as we acknowledged God.  The advantage of the high ground gave us an advantage over all the nations on earth; however, we as a nation have given up that ground and are beginning to suffer the consequences.

There remains a remnant and that remnant is the last and remaining hope for America; however, our numbers are waning and we need to bring people back to their senses.  First, we need to understand why we are losing battle after battle; simply put, it is because we are ceding the high moral ground.  As soon as we lose the high ground we have lost our advantage.  And from the high ground we can have the advantage because we have truth. Truth trumps the lie because it is unchanging.  America at one time was bathed in truth.  Truth ruled over our science, education, culture, and government.

The voice of the world continues to lure us into compromise and that is why we are losing battles.  A truth compromised is not the truth.  Time has shown that truth compromised succumbs to the bold lie.  We must reverse the present trend or we will end up as Israel did, with a small band occupying the high ground.  There on that high moral ground they stood firm.  Likewise we must stand firm as a testimony of righteousness as the armies of political correctness seek to snuff out the voice of truth in America.

Follow me as I attempt to define that High Moral Ground and encourage people to head to that ground.  Standing on this ground, we insure our personal safety and position ourselves to reveal and expose the enemy of our souls.  If we stand our ground, we will be successful.  The degree of that success will depend upon how many we can convince to join us.  Can our Nation be saved?  I know it can be because there is a Savior that is willing.  Will our Nation be saved?  If those who have left the high moral ground will simply return to their position of safety, then this Nation will be confronted with truth.  If our Nation will once again acknowledge God and repent, then our nation will be saved. 

Many people and churches have lost their advantage to influence the culture around them.  The lies of the enemy have lured them to a lower level to fight the battle for truth on the world’s level.  Battered with arguments on the world’s level has actually caused Christians to be ashamed of righteousness.  We are chided and accused of looking down on people.  Of course we look down on them, because we have the advantage of the high ground, but we don’t look down on them as they would imagine we do.  If we did, we would not be on the high moral ground.  From our vantage, we see souls in bondage and our desire is to bring them all up to a higher plain, a place of peace and safety.  If we cede the high ground, we begin to look just like them and we have lost our advantage to bring a healing influence to the world around us.

How can we win if we cede the high ground and lose our advantage?    

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