Sound Doctrine

Chapter 1

Sound Doctrine — Eternal Truth


“I charge [thee] therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2Ti 4:1-4 AV)

We live in a time when people will not endure sound doctrine.  It is often ignored, and in many instances, despised.  I am not talking here about those who blatantly reject Christ and his teachings, but those who claim to be “Christian”.  Jesus’ prayer for His people is that we would be sanctified (separated) by truth.  He defined that truth saying, “Thy Word is Truth”.  What should then be the distinguishing mark of a Christian is that they are living in a manner that reflects the truth as revealed in God’s Word.

Right and Wrong

In a word, what I am writing about is “morality”, “right and wrong”, and “good and evil”.  How do we determine what is good and what is evil? Of course, our determination is based in large part by our “world view”.  Our world view will determine whether we base morality upon the revelation in the Bible, or another ideology created by philosophical thinkers, or we possibly look toward science to answer these questions?

For the Christian the answer is clear.  The Bible is the revelation from God, the creator of all things, who has defined right and wrong behavior.  If we then apply science by considering the facts involved, and analyzing the ramification of this revealed morality, then I believe we have added confirmation.  If we choose to look at this morality from a philosophical perspective, then we would also find reasonable justification for Biblical morality, for it is able to fulfill the goals of peace and contentment for not only individuals, but society as a whole.

Origin of the Moral Code

Historically, this moral code of behavior existed from the very beginning.  Man was created good, so he just naturally did good.  It was his disobedience in eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that opened the door for bad behavior.  Immediately upon sinning, Adam and Eve knew they had sinned.  They had violated their very nature.

Often, historians point back to the Law of Moses, which was handed to him on Mount Sinai. This is the source of the written moral code that we have today, but any serious analysis reveals that the code has existed from the very beginning.  The Apostle Paul’s writings say that no one is without excuse, for attributes of a holy God are revealed to us in nature.  He goes on to say that every man was also given a conscience, knowing right from wrong.  The necessity for spelling out the commandment came because of man’s rebellion.  The code of morality, from heaven, is not just an arbitrary set of rules, but is a reflection of the character of the Creator Himself.  Everything in the universe was created orderly and in harmony with everything else.  It was sin that disrupted that order and harmony.

Evolution – A Way of Thinking

We live at a time when life is viewed through an evolutionary perspective.  It was during the mid-1800’s that biological evolution was clearly articulated and began its rise to popularity.  We have made tremendous advances in science since then. Science has unlocked many of the secrets of the world in which we live, allowing us to create technological marvels, and to have insight into the vast universe that surrounds us.  In spite of the fact that our advances are based upon understanding of the laws that govern the universe, the myth of evolution continues to dominate modern thought.  It doesn’t seem to faze the proponents of this myth that it violates all of the laws that govern the universe.  Observational science reveals a world and universe that is in a state of decay, devolving rather than evolving.

I mention this because the evolutionary mindset has permeated every field of thought.  As with any false concept, false proof is propagated by illusion.  A clear example of this is seen in the testimony given in the famous Scopes trial.  When presenting an argument for the evolution of simple organisms to complex organisms, the following example was used: We see this process happening every day as a person evolves from a single cell to a complex human being.

In light of our present knowledge of genetics, this argument seems absolutely ridiculous.  We now know that a single cell, after fertilization, contains all of the information of the mature individual.  That simple fertilized egg not only has all of the complex information about every detail of the individual that is yet unformed, but also contains the information to make it happen.  We also know that when we consider simpler life forms, there is no such thing as a simple life form.  Then, of course, there is the challenge of finding a mechanism to add information to an organism to make it into something else.

Present knowledge also sheds light on the illusion of evolution through survival of the fittest.  The illusion is shattered when we become aware that selective breeding, whether natural or man- directed, is actually a loss of genetic information.  The information can only be regained by breeding back the (deselected) traits.

I offer these examples because the evolutionary mindset has seemly permeated every other field of study.  Evolutionary theory was devised to explain biology, but has since been applied to the inorganic also, as in the field of astronomy.  The vast universe was proposed as coming from nothing, at best a result from a giant explosion.  It doesn’t seem to matter that evolving complexity and organization, seem to defy all of the laws of physics as we know them.  The theory prevails in spite of evidence, not because of it.

Evolutionary thinking is often applied in many different fields of study, whether it be religion, philosophy or history.  In some ways, it may be a natural way for us as humans to think about things.  We enter the world in ignorance and accumulate knowledge over time.  Our understanding evolves over time as we learn and experience the world around us.  Our means of passing on what we have learned to the next generation has also evolved over time.  Evolving technology has exploded in our day and flooded us with information.  We marvel at modern inventions like the automobile, or the computer, and can trace their historical evolution.

I want to bring your attention to the difference between theoretical evolution and actual evolution.  Theoretical evolution exists only in the imagination.  Actual evolution is the result of discovery and application.  Our knowledge base, and the things that we create, have been able to evolve simply because truth, and the laws that govern the universe, are constant and not evolving.  The other important factor to consider about actual evolution is that the abilities we have been created with are what allow us to discover and apply knowledge.  If you take these two factors out of the equation, how long would the evolution of the automobile and the computer have taken?  They simply would not have evolved.  They not only could not have created themselves, there was no reason or purpose for them to exist.

Evolutionary theory has no basis in science. In fact, it stands in contradiction to the laws we are beginning to understand through our discovery process.  Nevertheless, it has become very popular in our present day cultures of the world, as men seek to distance themselves from their Creator.  The application of this erroneous theory to morals, has allowed many to be deceived into believing the illusion that they hold the high moral ground.  It is truth that can shatter their destructive illusion, and that is what is most needed in our world today.

Back to the Source

If we want to know and understand the moral code, we must go back to where it exists in its purest form.  The concepts of right and wrong have been toyed with and manipulated, since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.  Many have been deceived into thinking that the understanding of right and wrong has been a process of trial and error, in which we are now approaching the pinnacle of morality.  History reveals just the opposite; rather, people have a tendency to stray from the moral standard.  Mankind’s drift from that standard has always resulted in chaos and destruction.  It has only been because of the repentant souls, who have joined together to re-establish that moral standard, that we have at times been able, to a degree, to lift man back to a semblance of the dignity for which he was designed for.

In C. S. Lewis’s “Mere Christianity,” he makes a case for the Moral Law, or the Law of Right and Wrong.  He shows how it exists in every time and place.  His conclusion is that when we consider the reality of this law, it is obvious that it comes from outside of ourselves.  Yet it is as real as our behavior, as real as gravity.  When we deny that this law exists, we have the same results as when we deny that gravity exists.  There are consequences; peace and safety will never exist unless groups of people agree to follow the moral law.

I touch on C. S. Lewis’s masterful explanation of the Moral Law because he shows clearly that the Law did not originate with us.  This is God’s Law, and that is why we are often uncomfortable talking about it.  It is easier for us to recognize this Law than it is to follow it.  When we come close to following it, we are recognized as decent civilized persons.  If morality had originated with man and evolved over time, wouldn’t we be able to look back and see how far we had come?  The horseless carriage has evolved over the last 100 years, but morality, or decent behavior, is the same as it was in the Garden of Eden.

God’s Law – Man’s Law

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” (Ro 1:20 NAS95)

The laws that govern the universe, both physical and spiritual, are revelations of God’s attributes, His eternal power, and His divine nature.  Those laws concerning our behavior define morality or goodness for us.  They are a reflection of the very nature of God himself.  In 1 John 1:8 that nature is defined in a word, “God is Love”.  All of Scripture is expounding upon the Law of Love, bringing us revelation and insight into that Law.  Without this Law there is chaos.  Adherence to this Law brings peace and safety.

Then there are the laws that govern the societies on earth.  This is mankind’s law.  This law is ever-changing, evolving and devolving.  The success of man’s law to bring about a peaceful society is closely linked to its adherence to the principles of God’s Law.  More importantly, is the degree in which the societal members embrace the spirit of that law.

You Can’t Legislate Morality?

It seems like in every election cycle there is someone who makes the statement that you can not legislate morality.  In reality, Law is the legislation of morality.  What allows people to think that morality can not be legislated is the fact that laws do not make people moral.  A person is moral because they adhere to the Law.  If there is no respect for the law and no one who can enforce it, then the effect on society is minimal and it remains only as a reminder in a lawless society.

The effect of not upholding righteous law has dire consequences.  Someone pays for the breaking of the law.  The affected person or persons, we call the victims.  The effects of unlawful actions are usually far-reaching because no man is an island. The lawbreaker himself is affected in ways he would not choose to admit, even when he eludes exposure.  There is no such thing as a victimless crime.  When God’s laws are ignored, it does not nullify the consequences.  When a society fails to incorporate the laws of God in their legal system, it creates a situation where the people are ignorant of why they are suffering.  Freeing people of the knowledge of the law does not free them from the consequences of breaking the law.

It is interesting that those who adamantly object to having God’s law as a part of the legal system, still seem to want their concept of right and wrong to be legislated.  The irony is that in an effort to avoid the Ten Commandments, lawmakers have created a system of hundreds of thousands of laws.  All of those laws together are not as effective as the implementation of the Ten Commandments would be.  It is the goals and focus of those who create the laws that determine the outcome.

The goal of God’s law is righteousness.  The fruit of righteousness includes peace and safety.  The goals of man’s laws are control and manipulation for power and money.  The appetite of the unrighteous is never satisfied, for it is fueled by envy and greed.  The fruit of man’s system is confusion and unrest.  Truth, freedom and security are the victims.  Man’s quest for happiness often leads to unrighteousness.  A quest for righteousness leads to peace, contentment and happiness.

Law, Laws, and Legalism

The word, law, is often used in a generic sense to include ordinances, statutes, commands, precepts and judgments.  There is a deeper meaning of law.  Science has defined some of those laws which enable us to understand the universe in which we live.  These are the laws that define the existence of everything we know.  The existence of everything depends upon the fact that these laws never change.  The order and design of everything in the universe must fit within these parameters to remain viable.

A lot of what we call law is merely an attempt to protect us from violating the actual, absolute laws.  As an example, consider the law that requires us to stop at a stop light.  The real laws we are trying to protect people from have to do with the fact that two cars cannot occupy the same space at the same time, without being seriously disorganized.

When people strictly focus on those ordinances and statutes that are there to protect us from violating the actual laws, then they become legalistic.  As time goes on, people sometimes forget what the legal system is supposed to be all about.  It is possible to be so engrossed in the legal system that people actually become ignorant of the real laws. That is what I call legalism.  You can be operating fully within the legal system as you drive your car, but if you do not yield to someone who violates a stop signal, then you may end up dead right.  The physical law trumps the paper laws.

Spiritual Law, Laws, and Legalism

We have to start with the physical to help us understand the spiritual.  It is easier for us to understand the physical because this is what we can see and feel.  The spiritual is just as real.  We are body, soul and spirit.  So much in the universe simply defies explanation without the acknowledgment of the spiritual.  Without the Spirit of God, nothing would exist.  We who were created in the image and likeness of God, exist as humans because God breathed the breath of life into us.  Science that denies the reality of the spiritual, cannot explain our emotional and spiritual awareness that promotes morality.  As earlier stated, we are all born with a fundamental understanding that there is such a thing as right and wrong.

Just as there are physical laws around which everything is organized and designed, it is the same in the spiritual.  There are spiritual laws that must be adhered to.  Much of the Scripture is for the purpose of protecting us from violating those spiritual laws, which when violated result in death.

“I gave them My statutes and informed them of My ordinances, by which, if a man observes them, he will live.” (Eze 20:11 NAS95)

Those of us that are familiar with the Scripture, are aware that all have sinned and violated the laws of God.  Even from the beginning, God, in His mercy, intended to provide a way of salvation and freedom from the law of sin and death.  We know that salvation came through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, on the Cross, and His resurrection to life.  That salvation is received today by the same pattern that was laid down in the Old Testament.

“But if the wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed and observes all My statutes and practices justice and righteousness, he shall surely live; he shall not die.” (Eze 18:21 NAS95)

“But the things which God announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ would suffer, He has thus fulfilled. “Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you,” (Ac 3:18-20 NAS95)

Sin, in its many forms, is a violation of the spiritual law.  Jesus gave us the essence of that law when He answered the question about the great commandment.

“And He said to him, “‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ “This is the great and foremost commandment. “The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ “On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”” (Mt 22:37-40 NAS95)

God is love, and for His creation to violate that fundamental law that governs the universe, has as a consequence, death.  The Law and the Prophets reveal to us how we have and oftentimes violated the Law of Love, or as James puts it, “The Royal Law”.  The Ten Commandments give us a brief outline. Much of the rest of the Scripture goes into greater detail.

As with the physical laws, people can get so focused on the ordinances and statutes, that they seem to forget these things are mere tools to protect us from the consequences of breaking the actual law. If our focus is strictly on the ordinances and statutes, we come across to those around us as being legalistic.  Although legalism is fundamentally no different in spiritual law than it is in physical law, it is much more obvious in the area of spiritual law.  This is simply because, as fallen creatures, we are more in tune with the physical realm than we are with the spiritual realm.

Consequently, in our culture of declining moral values, being tagged as legalistic has become a point of shame and humiliation, even in Christian circles.  The effect has been that many have abandoned any talk about those statutes and ordinances, that at one time were effective for teaching people about the Law of God.

True knowledge of the law of God brings an understanding of the importance of the ordinances and statutes, that form a safety net for us.  Following those ordinances and statutes helps keep us from violating God’s Law, and helps us teach others of His Law.  The true follower of God’s Law unashamedly follows, and teaches others to follow the ordinances, statutes and commands found in God’s Word.  A true follower of Christ may appear legalistic, but what sets them apart is their motivation of love for God and man.

Spiritual legalism will no more save you than physical legalism, although there are temporary benefits, simply because they are good practices to do.  Eventually, we will face some real tests that confirm our adherence to the real law.  It is in those supposed gray areas that we come to find out how well we really understand the Law of God.  Just like the city boy who drives his car out into the country; when the lines end and the traffic signals disappear, will he drive his car into a tree or off of a cliff?  Legalism only provides a buffer so far, and no farther.

The Moral High Ground

I have been trying to build a case for the moral high ground.  I think everyone would agree that there is such a thing as right and wrong, but not everyone would agree that there is a standard right and wrong.  I contend that there is a single point of authority from which morality stems.  That point of authority is God, the creator of all things.  The Scripture also teaches us that God never changes, but always remains the same.  The physical world that is a product of His creation, testifies of His standard.  Because God is eternal and unchanging, morality is also constant and unchanging.  The physical world testifies of God’s unchanging nature.  Science is based upon His unchanging laws.  That is why when we do an experiment in a controlled environment, we can predict the outcome with perfect accuracy.

Acknowledging God as the governing authority establishes the standard moral high ground.  There can be no doubt as to what is right and wrong when God, Himself, declares it to be so.  To establish a different moral code requires us to usurp the authority of the Creator.  The challenge for the high ground has occurred time after time throughout history.  The challenges come on many levels and always with the same results.  All challenges fall far short, but for some reason they continue.  The fact still remains as stated in the Scripture: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (Jas 1:17 AV)

Free Will

Is the gift of choice a blessing, or a curse?  Yes, it is a blessing and a curse.  We are blessed when we make the right choice, and we are cursed when we make the wrong choice.   Herein is the distinction between the physical realm and the spiritual realm.  The physical choices often have immediate results.  Everything is required to submit to the laws of physics that govern the universe.  In the spiritual realm, our rebellious choices result in consequences that are not always detected immediately; however, be sure that your sin will find you out. Those consequences are usually farther reaching than the violation of the physical laws.  Likewise, spiritual death is much more serious than that of physical death.

Life would be so much less complicated, if there was no choice.  What if we could choose whether or not we had choice?  What would we choose?  Would we wish to be happy little robots?  Maybe we would have to be happy.  This philosophical bantering will get us no place; however, I think that because we were created in the image and likeness of God, we would not be happy if we did not have choice.

Not only did God gift us with choice, but when that choice was linked to right and wrong, He clearly articulated the consequences of a wrong choice.  In spite of God’s warnings, man chose to rebel.  Man’s rebellion affected even the physical world in which we live.  All of us have to live with the consequences of sin every day.  Of course, the final consequence is death, but God, in His mercy, has provided a way of escape through our Savior Jesus Christ.

Because of God’s provision through Christ, He has restored to us the ability of choice in the most important area.  We can choose life through faith in Christ Jesus.  Our final redemption comes at the return of our Lord and Savior.  Until then, we continue to live in this world that has been affected by sin, and inhabited by sinners.

Man sometimes questions why God would allow this world to continue with all of its wickedness and sin.  For me, the answer to that question comes when I see a sinner repenting before God and experiencing the transformation of a new life in Christ.  God continues to seek and to save those who are lost.

There are two scenarios being lived out in our world every day that testify of the righteousness of God.  One is that when men refuse to live by the laws that govern the universe, people suffer.  There is such a direct correlation between these two facts that you would wonder why people continue to sin.  If you are wondering why men continue down this destructive path, in spite of the historical record, it is usually because of pride.  Instead of accepting responsibility for their actions, people tend to blame God; or they find some other scapegoat or victims they can take advantage of.  The bottom line is that a lot of our problems are the direct result of sin.

The second scenario is when a person, or group of people, decide to strictly adhere to God’s law, they reap many blessings.  This is true on a personal level, to which I can testify.  On a larger scale, it can be even more dramatic.  The history of Israel gives us a long running example of what happens when a nation chooses right, and when they choose wrong.  Likewise, the United States can track its history and see the effect of following God’s law or ignoring it.  We have paid a great price as a nation for the early days of slavery.  On the flip side, we have been blessed like no other people on earth, when we as a nation acknowledged God and promoted righteousness.

“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants,” (De 30:19 NAS95)


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