

  Living in the Real World

We live in time of tremendous advances in technology.  It is easy to be so intoxicated with momentum of advances in technology that we sometimes forget that there are fundamental principles that never change.  In fact, it is these principles that make it possible for all these advances.  It doesn’t matter what field we examine, understanding the fundamental principles involved gives us an advantage. 

Hand in hand with the advances in technology has been the accumulation of knowledge.  It is this accumulation of knowledge that has given rise to technology that allows us to preserve that knowledge and increasingly allows us better and faster access to that knowledge.  You would think that sooner or later this tremendous momentum would eventually peak.  At present it has not appeared to be slowing down anytime soon.  This is a blessing and a curse at the same time.

We have been blessed with an abundance of technological gadgets.  Some of them are very useful, some intriguing and interesting, and some just entertaining.  We are now able to view and virtually experience the world around us without leaving our living room.  We have a tremendous amount of knowledge accessible at the tip of our fingers.  We can travel to most parts of the earth within hours or at least days.  Luxury and the most exotic products in the world are limited only by the size of your bank account.

Has all of this been too much too soon?  There have been some serious drawbacks from this influx of technology.  For one thing, the younger generations seem to be developing, in large part, into a bunch of spoiled brats.  They seem to lack appreciation for everything that has just been handed to them with little or no effort on their part.  Cultural changes are taking place at seemingly lightning speed.  We are flooded with an endless stream of news events.  To take it all in, important information is often reduced to video clips and sound bites.

We have a tremendous amount of knowledge at our fingertips, although, it is mixed with just as much or more information that is not true. Then there are all the various opinions blended with the facts. Many of these opinions are based upon ideology rather than an assessment of the facts. 

The same technology that allows us to explore the utmost regions of the world around us also makes it possible to virtually create illusions out of our utmost fantasy.   Through technology the extreme imaginations of the mind can appear as reality before our eyes.  In many different ways, technology is separating people from the physical realities of our world. 

All these things and more allow those who gain control of the various medias to manipulate our very perception of reality.  The questions then arise; are our conclusions based upon what we know, or on what we think we know?  There has been a dramatic change in the direction of thinking in the last 50 years.  Is this a result of increased knowledge, or have we become victims of an alternate reality that only exist in our imagination?

This will seem like a strange introduction to the topic I am about to discuss; however, a brief glance at the mental attitudes that prevail in our country today may be a helpful reminder before beginning any of the dozen different discussions I would like to have with the people of these United States.  With the introduction of the idea that all truth is relative, our nation is rapidly losing its ability to come to rational conclusions.  What is ironic is that every advance in science or technology is based upon the fact that truth is constant and unchanging.  It is truly mind boggling that while we live in this age of amazing scientific discovery and technological advances, the idea that truth is relative persists and advances.  

I could write a book documenting the numerous ways that people are finding to live in an alternate reality of their own imagination; however, my focus here is going to be toward the dwindling number of people who have had a conservative bent.  People who have recognized that the God of the Bible is that one constant that makes the world we live in logical and the voice of nature coherent.  This is the group of people who, by virtue of embracing truth, hold the moral high ground.  It is important that we do not cede that high moral ground as many are doing.  It is only from this position that we can instill rationality into a world that is in the process of self-destructing.

“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.” (Mt 24:24 NAS)

Jesus warned us that so that we would not be swayed by illusions and delusions.  Never before in all of history has it been so easy to make an illusion appear to be real.  It is only our faith in God and His Word that will keep us sane.  It is our faith in God’s Word that will enable us to distinguish between that which is real and that which is deception.  Considering things in the context of God’s Word is of utmost importance.  Context makes all the difference.  A man standing on a manure pile may look like he is on high ground in Kansas, but in the context of the Colorado Rockies his true height is exposed.  Dig a little deeper into what is holding him up and you will see it is not rock solid either.  Only truth will survive in the context of God’s Word. 

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