The Sanctity of Life


The Sanctity of Life



Life still remains a mystery.  We can analyze life; determine what it is made out of, and even get down to its atomic structure.  But we still don’t know why or how it becomes alive.  The mystery deepens when we study ourselves, the pinnacle of God’s creation, made in His image and likeness.  The human spirit, our souls, our emotions, imaginations, and desires, enhance our physical bodies in ways that seem to defy our understanding.  Instinctively we protect our physical life, but our soul and spirit elevate the joy of living far beyond simply the physical.  The sanctity of human life then has become basic in what we have come to call a civilized society.

Whether we are considering human behavior or simply life itself the Bible is the only source that can give us a coherent understanding and a guideline for determining right from wrong.  There has never been a time in history when mankind has had our knowledge of the intricacies involved in a person’s life.  Never has there been a time in history when the verification of the wisdom of the Scripture has been as obvious as it is today with our abilities to search it out.  Here in America we live in a society that was founded on the principles of life and liberty drawn from the Holy Scripture.  Now at a time of great enlightenment people are abandoning those principles that had opened the doors of opportunities for all people.  Choosing to hide among the contradicting philosophies, Americans are forsaking the clear vision that brought us together.  The subject of life itself reveals their willful ignorance and abandoning of reason to fulfill their petty self-centered desires.


We now know from scientific discovery that all of mankind is from a single family.  We now know that there is only one race of humans.  We all know that we are more than just a physical body and have a soul and spirit.  We know exactly when life begins in a woman’s womb.  We know how and why life begins in a woman’s womb.  All these things were revealed to us in the Scripture long before we scientifically were able to prove them to be true.

“I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, [And] skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained [for me,] When as yet there was not one of them.” (Ps 139:14-16 NAS95)

We now know scientifically that from the time of conception the information about every detail of our physical bodies was determined and designed to develop to maturity.  As of yet man is not able to measure the soul or fully understand the spirit of man.  But we know from the Scripture that God looks on and acknowledges our individuality before our substance took form.

Justification for abortion has been argued in spite of increased knowledge, not because of it.  The reality that abortion is legal upon demand in America reveals the power of sin in people’s hearts over the power of reason.  A woman’s rights or a woman’s health are reasons against abortion, not for it.  The high moral ground in this issue is found in truth and righteousness.  It is found in the sanctity of human life and the command from heaven that you shall not murder.

The Birds and the Bees

Why would a mother want to kill her baby?  Why would she choose to end the life of her baby?  Should she have the right to make the choice to terminate the life of her unborn child?  If we sink to the level of a mother’s rights and choice, then our arguments don’t adequately address their demands.  But if we defend a pro-life position from the high ground using God’s Word and the revelations of science, then rights and choice come into perspective.  After all, what about the health of the babies and their rights and choices?

Every conception is a result of choice.  It is difficult to imagine in an educated society such as ours that a person would come to maturity without acquiring the knowledge of how babies are conceived.  Ignorance wouldn’t be a reason to justify murder anyway.  Babies don’t just happen, but are the result of people’s choices.  It is at this juncture that the rights of the woman are to be honored.  The union of a man and a woman is to be a result of both of their consents.  If their choice results in the conception of a new soul, then it is also both of their responsibilities to take care of that baby.  The arguments of rights and choice become mute at this point recognizing that they have exercised their right and made a choice.  If the result of their choice has produced a human life, why does the mother have the right to take this person’s life?  Why does she alone have the choice of life or death in regards to their baby?  Why does her choice trump the laws of God and of the United States?

Of course the issue of rape will arise, for there are cases where a rape results in a pregnancy.  But we have already established that the baby that is forming is a human being recognized by God.  Would we be justified to kill this baby because of the sins of the father?  Of course the sins of the father do not justify the killing of an innocent life.  Rather it should compel us to extend help and comfort to this mother and her baby.


Those who argue for abortion try to do so claiming the high moral ground.  That is why they form their arguments around concern for the mother, totally ignoring concern or even acknowledgement of the baby being killed.  The fact of the matter is that abortion is not good for the mother either.  Even if a woman allows herself to be convinced that what is being aborted isn’t really a person, she will suffer emotionally and physically because the process of life was disrupted within her.  My dad once told me that when a baby is born a mother is born.  I witnessed the truth of this statement when my son was born and my wife became a mother.  When a baby is aborted the process of becoming a mother is also disrupted causing pain and suffering even beyond the physical.  Emotional scars are harder to heal than physical ones.

The categorization of abortion as an element of women’s health is totally irrational.  Pregnancy is not a disease.  A developing baby is not an appendage of the mother, but is a separate individual.  Being pregnant is not unhealthy.  Pregnancy is a drain on a woman’s system, but then so is exercise or work or taking care of children after they are born.  The fact is; abortion is detrimental to women’s health, physically, mentally, and emotionally.


Abortion is the killing of an unborn child.  The brutality of this practice is even accented when it is visualized while being performed in the latter stages of the child’s development.  The fact that many view this horrible procedure as a solution points to the fact that there is a earlier problem, the problem of an unwanted pregnancy.  That problem is usually the product of unwise choices.  Unwise choices are usually the results of ignorance or simply ignoring knowledge and wisdom.  The underlying problem can be lack of education or willful ignorance.  Sometimes you simply have to go back to the beginning to understand the real root of the problem.  We will never stop abortions without addressing the issues that lead up to people’s decisions to abort their babies.

As already stated the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.  The laws of the universe reveal the character and nature of God himself.  When we ignore these laws there are consequences.

In the Beginning

“But from the beginning of creation, [God] MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE. “FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh. “What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” (Mr 10:6-9 NAS95)

God created an ordered universe in which all things functioned harmoniously.  It is Man’s choices that disrupt that harmony and create problems.  It only makes things worse when people promote solutions that are intended to justify their bad choices.  These bad choices and even worse solutions multiply suffering rather than relieving it.  Abortion is presented as a solution.  If we eliminate the problem, then the evil solution disappears by itself.  But to do this we have to go back to the beginning.

The creation account does not reveal all the detailed intricacies of life, but we are given the important information necessary for our understanding our role in this plan of God.  God made one man and one woman, separate individuals, intended to be joined together as one unit.  The ramification of this fundamental unit extends throughout all of creation from its perfect beginning, to the fall, and through to its redemption.  The health of the family unit is necessary for the health of a society, a country, and the world we live in.  If we are talking women’s health, then this is where we need to start.

Love Makes the World Go Around

God chose to make just one man and one woman.  In so doing He preserved his purpose and intent with clarity, one man, one woman, for life.  Man has tried other options with disastrous results.  Sin, the violation of God’s Law, resulted in God having to spell His Law out for us, and He has through his Holy Scripture.  When man has followed the wisdom of God’s Word, then God has blessed.  Natural attractions lead us in the right direction, obedience to God’s Word keep us on the correct path.  Because our culture was based upon the fear of God and reverence to His Word, fundamental truth was even reflected in children’s playground taunts.

“First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Bobby with a baby carriage.”

Love is the main ingredient in that healthy relationship between a man and a woman that results in a health marriage.  But if we are to hold to the high moral ground in this discussion we have to view it from a Biblical perspective.  “If we chose to let Hollywood and the media define love for us we won’t have the substance to create a good marriage relationship, or any other good loving relationship.”  In this self-centered sinful world many of the important aspects of love need to be learned, not everything comes naturally.

  1. S. Lewis in his book, “The Four Loves”, points out that there are actually four Greek Words in the New Testament that we translated into English as “love”. Besides helping us understand Scripture better we can also see how easily the concepts of love can be confusing in our culture. To add to the confusion in our language, having sex has been equated with making love.

Briefly described the four loves are:

Storge: Affection Love – enjoying something or someone

Phileo: Friendship Love – Friendship love, arising out of companionship, common interest

Eros: Romantic Love – emotional, most felt, being in love

Agape: Divine Love – It gives and asks nothing in return – unselfish love

 In the ideal marriage all of these loves come together.  When we are looking for solutions to the problems that arise because of the relationships between men and women the answer lies in the agape form of love.  This is a love that is not contingent upon emotional feelings, changing interests, or preferences.  It is under the control of a person’s choice, commitment, and resolve.  It is the love that is necessary to honestly exchange the wedding vows.

“First comes love”.  For the Christian, love is to be present in all of our relationships, loving God and loving our neighbor.  Charity begins at home.  This is where we first experience it and this is where we learn to practice it.  Charity is of course is that Agape Love that stems from the divine, reminding us where we came from.


“But from the beginning of creation, [God] MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE. “FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.” (Mr 10:6-8 NAS95)

“Then comes Marriage”.  Love is a requirement for marriage, but marriage is not a requirement for love.  The love that is required for marriage is agape love.  The love that usually inspires marriage is eros.  A perfect marriage has all four types of love.  Situations and events may cause the first three loves to fluctuate, but agape love must remain steady and can if we will.

The reason for marriage is because God made us male and female.  From the beginning and until very recent history everyone knew this simple fact.  The definition of the word “marriage” in the English dictionary is: The union of a man and a woman.  But through a barrage of information the highest court in our land ignored the facts and redefined the word marriage to be able to include unions between two people of the same sex.  This issue was debated on every level, from the perspectives of love, to feelings, to possessions.  This is a sad reflection on our judicial system and especially the high court.  To accommodate the emotional appeal and social pressure the court ignored the logical and legal aspects of the case.  The high ground perspective is simply that the reason for marriage is because God made us male and female.

The battle for marriage was first lost in the classroom, in the movies, and in the media.  These are areas in which the issue could be presented from an emotional perspective without rebuttal.  These are areas that do not allow for honest debate and can press their dogmas through the high cards of power and money.  It was because of their confidence in the emotional manipulation of the public that judges have become bold in issuing tyrannical rulings.  By leaving the high ground of logic and law, the focus became centered on the feelings of a minority group.  This distraction allowed them to overturn every one of the thousands of laws dealing with marriage.  If you think it through, the implications are staggering.  Their rulings to include same sex couples under the marriage laws rendered God’s Law and the Constitution of the United States as mute points.

Even worse than what has been done in the courts is how this issue has infiltrated the churches of America.  When “Christians” allow themselves to be drawn down to the world’s level to discuss or debate truth, they lose the high ground that they are responsible for holding.  Marriage is not about who you love.  That argument falls flat before it leaves a person’s mouth.  You can and should love you mother, father, brother, sister, neighbor, and maybe even your dog or horse.  No matter what degree of love for any of these you should not become one flesh with any of them.

If we want to hold the high moral ground we have to stick with Scripture.  If there are those who indeed care about truth we need to have honest discussions.  Same sex marriage is not about love as I have pointed out.  It is not about sex although this is how they define their relationship.  For some of them it is about finding acceptance for their life style.  Certainly most of them don’t feel the need for marriage before they have sex.  And marriage is not necessary for inheritance or property issues.  Legal contracts and wills can cover all these issues.

The reason for marriage is because God made us male and female.  It was God’s judgment that it was not good for man to be alone.  Woman was created for this purpose, that man would not be alone and would have someone to walk along side of him.  She was created complementary to man so that in coming together with him they would have offspring.  The two are to leave father and mother and become one flesh, one unit, the foundation for family.  Children are the tangible results of their oneness.

But what is the reason for same sex marriage?  Is it so that same sex couples can have the same benefits as married couples, then with everything being equal, they could be just as happy and fulfilled?   But could they be fulfilled, or would they be fulfilled, seeing that some relationships lack the feminine and others the masculine?  Or is it to show that man does not need woman and woman does not need man?  Saying it, does not make it so.  Legal and or social affirmation does not make it so.

The reasons for same sex couples relationships to be categorized as marriage are not the same as reasons for opposite sex marriage.  If we hold to the high moral ground and follow this discussion to where it leads we will end up contrasting the good and holy with the perverted and profane.  The simple answer that the reason for marriage is because God made us male and female has tremendous ramifications.  It would take a large volume to fully reveal the marvelous complimentary nature of the proper union of male and female.  But even a superficial glance can detect the physical, mental, and spiritual differences from the male and female intended to be complimentary.  On the other hand, fantastic imagination and innovation are required to consummate same sex couples.

The end of a matter reveals much of the purpose of its functions.  Marriage resulted in the creation of the families of earth.  Marriage produces a balanced family structure that becomes the building block of moral societies.  On the other hand, same sex relationships don’t produce children.  Through the perversion of the natural functions they have created their own unique physical problems, mental issues, and diseases.

The Fruit of Marriage

… “And then comes Bobby with a baby carriage”.

“Did not the Lord God make you one? Your life and breath belong to him. And why did he make you one? because he wants godly offspring. … (Mal 2:15 KJV_2011)

There are numerous benefits of a good marriage (one that honors God and His Law) for a man and a woman.  But the fruit of a godly marriage are godly children.  Likewise, the fruit of a godless marriage are godless children.  There is no greater advantage to children than the environment of a godly home and a loving father and mother.  It was the recognition of this fact that inspired most of our early laws pertaining to marriage.  Laws were created to encourage and provide advantages for families raising children.  Those laws were turned on their ear with the redefining of marriage.

Children are the most vulnerable in society.  They are reliant upon the adult world to provide for them.  Because we as humans are more than just physical beings, children need more than just food, clothing, and shelter.  Children need love, instruction, and discipline, for they are not born with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.  Children’s innocent enquiring nature makes them highly susceptible to be influenced by adult behavior, education, media, and the arts.  Because we live in world affected by sin this includes the good, the bad, and the ugly.  The union of a man and a woman in marriage was intended to not only produce fruit, but to be the avenue of provision to bring that fruit to maturity.

Children represent the future.  God’s intention was that they would be the fruit of marriage.  Many children today are the fruit of people’s self-centered desires.  These children that are deprived of family are at the mercy of a morally declining society and its influences.  The result is an increasingly large population of young people who are mentally and morally retarded, people who never seem to fully mature mentally and spiritually.  This population is easily manipulated by unscrupulous tyrants who lure them with promises of unrealistic expectations.  If this is not soon arrested the hopes for the future of our nation are dismal as we descend into the abyss of self-destruction.

“For I have chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken about him.” (Ge 18:19 NAS95)

“Children are our future”, has been the beginning statement of many discussions which seek to convince people of a specific plan or action.  People’s love and concern for children is admirable.  But there are a lot of different ideas about what would be best for the children to equip them for their future.  It doesn’t matter how much we invest or provide advantages for our children if we fail to teach them the ways of the Lord.  The knowledge of God through the revelation of Christ Jesus is essential.  As our children grow up under our tutelage we need to first teach them to be righteous and just.  If they learn righteousness and justice they will then do righteousness and justice.  The ways of the world produce tyrants and bondage.  The ways of the Lord produce peace and freedom.  The high ground of any discussion concerning our children’s future must include our responsibility to teach them the ways of the Lord, to trust the Lord and to do good.


“There are three things which are too wonderful for me, Four which I do not understand: The way of an eagle in the sky, The way of a serpent on a rock, The way of a ship in the middle of the sea, And the way of a man with a maid.” (Pr 30:18-19 NAS95)

The way of a man with a maid is in many ways still a mystery.  The interaction between a man and a woman that leads up to and culminates in what we term “sexual intercourse” is even in our enlightened age still shrouded in mystery.  Modern science has been able to uncover in great detail the potential outcome of this union that produces the offspring.  This ability to pro-create and to be instrumental in the development and maturity of our children is in many ways just too wonderful.  But for a few moments let us just consider this subject of human sexuality and morality involved.

For most of the created creatures in this world the purpose of sex is strictly for procreation.  In every case sex is an intriguing and often a very involved process.  Sometimes it is reliant upon certain conditions or precise timing, driven by a preprogrammed agenda we call instinct.  But when we consider human sexuality it takes on added dimensions.

For humans sex becomes more than just a means to procreate, although that is one of its important purposes.  The very nature of our human sexuality results in the most intimate of human interactions.  It is because we were created in the image and likeness of God that human interaction is much more complex and involved than that of the animal world.  We are spiritual beings with complex emotions, desires, intellect, and have the ability to analyze and contemplate ourselves and the world around us.  Because of all of this sex affects us in ways far beyond the fulfillment of physical cravings, and by design was intended to.  It was intended that sexual intercourse consummate the union of male and female, joined together to become unified as one flesh.  In the setting of marriage, this most intimate of human interactions, helps to strengthen the bonds on unity and security.

Most importantly in the discussion about human sexuality is the fact that God has enabled us as individuals to be in control of our sexuality.  With the ability to control comes the responsibility to make good choices, for we don’t have to allow ourselves to be controlled by instinct and animal desires.  As individuals we are responsible to consider the ramifications for our actions.  We have no right to override another person’s right of choice.  This is the area where choice needs to be protected, before a baby is conceived, not after.

“Marriage [is to be held] in honor among all, and the [marriage] bed [is to be] undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” (Heb 13:4 NAS95)

There is sacredness in a sexual union that should never be taken lightly.  Outside of marriage sex is cheapened to a level that only fulfills our physical desires.  But we are not merely animals that we should lightly esteem the effects of a union of male and female, for we are most vulnerable at this juncture as our nakedness is exposed, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  To approach this union from a self-centered perspective ignores these realities and leads to a callousness to cover the guilt and shame involved with an illicit engagement.

The physical union of a man and a woman has an effect on them in ways far beyond the physical, and for good reason.  For God intended this union to strengthen and enhance the marriage of male and female, which is the foundation for family.  The many industries that have developed around and about sex, both supportive and perverted, attest to the far ranging effect it has on us a people.  If we were to honestly evaluate the effects of sexual relationships we would have to conclude that healthy relationships need the protection of a marriage commitment.  Short term relationships eventually cause a lot of pain and suffering.

You can only safely hold the high moral ground concerning sexuality if you are in agreement with the creator regarding sexual relationships.  High on the list of considerations is the potential fruit of this relationship, which is our offspring.  We are not talking here about simply creating another living organism, but the creation of an eternal soul created in God’s image and likeness.  This brings a sacredness and sanctity to this union and requires it to be treated with the utmost of respect.  In evaluating the sanctity of human life and its eternal value, we cannot simply ignore the moment of its conception and our part in it.

We live at a time and place where our culture is pervaded in every aspect with sexual connotations.  Sex is used as a tool for merchants, educators, and politicians.  Sex is a gift from God intended to bless mankind, but its perversion becomes a curse in the hands and minds of evil men.  The emergence of sex throughout our culture has produced callousness to the ill effects of its misuse.  The misuse of sex and its promotion contributes to marital problems, divorce, unwanted children, rape, murder, homosexuality, gender disorders, etc, etc.  The list seems to be endless and the effects heartbreaking.

However none of this changes the reality of the matter.  The sacredness of sex is to be preserve in the lifetime commitment of a married couple.  Only in this setting can the full blessing of this gift from God be realized.  Only within a committed marriage environment can we fulfill our obligation and responsibilities toward a life that is conceived.  Only in a committed marriage environment can we abandon ourselves to sexual pleasures and remain safe and secure in the arms of our lover.  Only in marriage does this interaction have the approval and blessing of our Heavenly Father.


“Yet you say, “For what reason?” Because the LORD has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth, With whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion And your wife by covenant. But did He not make [them] one, Having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take heed to your spirit, And let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth. “For the LORD God of Israel says That He hates divorce, For it covers one’s garment with violence,” Says the LORD of hosts. “Therefore take heed to your spirit, That you do not deal treacherously.” (Mal 2:14-16 NKJV)

Marriage was the plan of God to join male and female and make them one.  Love, caring one for another, was to be the glue that bound them together.  The consummation of that love was to result in godly offspring.  But what happens when love fails?  What happens when one or both partners stop loving?  That which was intended to be one becomes fractured and a once peaceful, safe, and loving atmosphere becomes hostile and troubled.

No one wants to live in a hostile and troubled home.  The fact is that it didn’t get to this point overnight.  Trouble begins brewing in often little and subtle ways.  When we don’t address little problems they have a tendency to grow to be big problems.  The very nature of marriage and the family that provide a safe environment can also provide an environment that conceals trouble that is brewing.  When that trouble erupts it sometimes surprises even those closest to the family.  When that hostility erupts, the issues and problems seem insurmountable.  Untangling the facts, emotions, and issues seems to be impossible, for simple things become entwined below the surface in complex ways.

Divorce is the simple solution, or so it seems.  Divorce promises to allow us to reboot and start over.  There actually may be a way to reboot and start over, but divorce is not a part of that solution, and it is not as easy as it sounds.  The very fact that a marriage has become a hostile and troubled environment reveals that one or both of these people have not been living according to the standard that God has prescribed, basically loving one another.  Having previously discussed what that means we need to focus on a solution for the many of our society that have failed marriages.  Divorce is not as good or easy as people have been told it is.  Our society as a whole is suffering tremendously because people have bought into the lie that divorce is a solution.  The lie declares: if you go your way and I go mine, then everything will be alright.

As with every moral issue, we need to view it from the high moral ground that God has established.  From this perspective we can get the best view of the issue and see the best way to address the issue.  If we allow ourselves to be drawn to a lower position we will end up trying to cure a symptom of rather than the disease (issue) itself.  Although each marriage has its unique elements, the fundamental remain the same for every marriage.  Mutual love and respect build a strong marriage, whereas lack of love and hate destroy a marriage.

The high ground is that God hates divorce.  God hates it because it is bad for us and He loves us.  Marriage is the fundamental structure of a good society and is so by design.  Divorce is the dismantling of that structure by undermining the foundation.  Family is built upon marriage.  Good societies are built upon good families.  Good societies produce good nations.  Good nations bless the World.  Divorce destroys marriage and undermines the family.  Likewise it affects society, the nation, and the World.  Divorce is between two people, but it affects many more.  Marriage is one of the things that comes from the outflow of love.  Divorce comes from the outflow of hate.

“He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way. “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” (Mt 19:8-9 NAS95)

Divorce is the exception to the rule.  Permission to divorce comes on the heels of blatant immorality and sinful behavior.  Divorce is a sentence of judgment, not a solution for healing.  The exception for divorce comes because of covenant breaking and unfaithfulness.  But in our devolving society any and everything has become an excuse for divorce.  Starting with additional reasons for divorce and eventually culminating in no fault divorce, lifelong marriage is now becoming the exception.

As our society is spiraling out of control we need to recognize the huge role that divorce has played in creating this scenario.  Divorce creates a chasm that makes repentance and reconciliation very difficult.  Marriage and family were built on the rock of righteousness.  Love is what was intended to hold it together.  In the past even in societies that had strayed from righteousness, they could be turned toward righteousness in one generation, if family was still foundational.  But in today’s world these societies are few and far between.  Family has been reinvented to be anything or everything.  Government is set up to replace God.  Right and wrong have become fluid, ever changing at the dictates of an elitist class.

The bottom line is that marriage was founded on the rock, but the destruction of marriage has left us on shifting sands.  If can be argued that divorce is but one of many things that is destroying marriage.  But the concept of divorce is a sign or a symbol, of brokenness and unwillingness to reconcile man’s will with God’s righteousness.  It is a replacement of the love connection with the hate divide.

Alternative to Divorce

I know that I have taken a simple divorce, a broken relationship of a man and a woman, and extended it to a national or world problem.  But the fact is that every divorce is the destruction of a stone in the foundation of a nation or culture.  While divorce was becoming more frequent in America, psychologists, and psychiatrists tried to comfort us by telling us the effects would be minimal and short lived.  They were wrong.  Every divorce has a far ranging effect that broadens as time goes by.  The only real comfort is that the adverse effect can be checked and the long range effect nullified.  Thankfully there is a God in Heaven and He has provided a way of redemption.

For those downstream of divorce, who suffer because of the sins of their parents, God has provided a path of deliverance.  It all starts with recognition of the love of a heavenly father who has provided an invitation to accept adoption into His family.  God has provided healing, forgiveness, and adoption through the work of His only begotten Son on the cross.  When through repentance people find reconciliation to their Father in Heaven, then forgiveness works its way backwards forgiving those who have wronged us.  Love and forgiveness can hide a multitude of sins.

The real answer to avoiding the pain and destruction of divorce is to avoid divorce.  When a marriage is struggling the couple needs a marriage counselor, not a divorce attorney.  Divorce attorneys aren’t servants of God.  Once a couple receives council from a divorce attorney or attorneys, you can almost guarantee that these two people who once pledged their love to each other will walk away hating each other.  Most secular marriage counselors will have almost as bad of an effect.  It is the council that comes from above that offers true hope and healing.  True marriage counseling supports a godly marriage.  Love must be restored.  Repentance, forgiveness, giving, and receiving are all aspects of the path to reconciliation.  This pathway to healing is patterned for us in Scripture.  Whereas divorce spreads the seeds of destruction, a healed marriage spreads the seed of love and peace.

As with arguments on all moral issues, those opposed to God’s standards of righteousness will try to lure us down to a lower level to argue their points.  We can get wrapped up in the complex details of individual’s situations that distract us from the real issues.  It is not that there won’t be details that need to be dealt with, for there can be complex issues involved.  But if we can simply understand the basics of love, marriage, and the destructive nature of divorce, we can then follow and lead people in the direction of righteousness.  It is only this pathway that leads to happiness and fulfillment.

Circling Back to the Issue of Abortion

We need to hold to the high moral ground of God’s Word on each and every moral issue.  But what I have been trying to show is that compromising fundamental principles cause problems that lead up to horrendous decisions.  Abortion is murder.  But what makes it even worse is that it is murdering the most innocent among us, people who are not guilty of any sin or wrong doing.  I have subtly led us on a path to help us understand how we got to the place where people would even consider and seek to justify such evil acts.

We have courts that seek to meet out justice to those who violate the law and bring harm to their fellow human beings.  But what would be the charge against any of these unborn children if allowed their day in court?  Their defense would simply be, “I am innocent.”  Their question would be, “Why am I condemned to be executed?  What is the charge?  If we waited a few years and let these children live, then maybe some of them would eventually do evil, but to condemn them before they even pooped their first diaper seems ludicrous.

So, to reveal the roots of the problem of which abortion is presented as the solution, I brought you back to the beginning.  I walked you through creation of family and God’s purpose.  I walked you through love, marriage, sex, and having children.  In each of these areas problems arise when we violate the law of God and its intent to keep us safe, happy, and fulfilled.  The problems that arise are the effects of sin.

It is the accumulation of sins and sinful living that finally bring people to the point of accepting the killing of the innocent to cover the sins of the guilty.  The acceptance of this as a solution has come about through cunning deception.  Legalization and providing convenient abortions don’t alleviate the effects.  Guilt is increased and a baby is dead.  Sacrificing the innocent to hide the sins of the guilty could only be a solution spawned from the pit of hell.  The appetite of that pit is never ending.

God’s Solution

As with any problem that has arisen because of sin, the real solution is to start with the root of the problem.  I have tried to show that the problem of unwanted children is rooted in rejecting godly living.  So let’s all just live godly and the problems will go away.

We all know that that is easier said than done.  We were not born in the Garden of Eden.  We were born in a sinful, sin scarred world.  That is where Jesus comes in.  No matter where we are in that pathway of sin that leads to death, there is a way of escape.  By the grace of God and the redemptive path Christ has provided, we can escape the path of sin and discover the path that leads to life.  The love of God has provided forgiveness and reconciliation that can bring us in right standing with God and can restore proper family relationships.  When love becomes the bond that ties us together, then children are the product of love.  In this environment there is no fertile ground for Satan’s lies and solutions.


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