Hello Is Anybody Home


Is Anybody Home



“….  However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”                      (Lu 18:8 NAS)



By    Bob Gunderson




Dedicated to the memory of

My father Joel Gunderson


My beloved wife Rachel Gunderson

Who have passed from this life

Into the presence of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ





The Vision                                                                                                                               4

Introduction                                                                                                                           6

Chapter    1.     To the Church in America                                                                          8

Chapter    2.    Salvation                                                                                                      12

Chapter    3.    More About Salvation                                                                                21

Chapter    4.    Sanctification                                                                                               27

Chapter    5.    Faith and Works                                                                                          37

Chapter    6.    Seven Churches                                                                                           42

Chapter    7.    When Will These Things Be                                                                        59

Chapter    8.    The Seven Seals                                                                                           62

Chapter    9.    The Seven Trumpets                                                                                   67

Chapter  10.    The Seven Bowls                                                                                         75

Chapter  11.    The Serpent, The Beast, and The Harlot                                                78

Chapter  12.    The Rapture                                                                                                85

Chapter  13.    Christ Reigns on Earth                                                                               95

Chapter  14.    Ready or Not                                                                                               99

Chapter  15.    Conclusion                                                                                                 104


The Vision



If I started out telling you about something that happened back in the good old days, people may laugh at me. Our present culture that has been infiltrated with evil philosophies, cancel culture, and socialist wannabes. But there were some good old days in my history when I was young and life was good. We did not have much money back then, but I was too young to know any difference.

Sunday was a day when you went to church. From my perspective people at church were happy and friendly. Sunday school was followed by a church service and we sang a lot and praised God. Sunday night service usually had time for testimonies as people shared what God had been doing in their lives. And then we sang a lot and the preacher preached and then we prayed at the altar. Life was good.

Did I say I was young? I was probably about five or six and the year was probably about 1957. I mention this because it may seem strange that a boy this young would remember the story I am going to relate. For some reason it caught my attention and remained in my memory all these years. It is because of our present trend that this vision remains so vivid in my mind. I have made inquiries with old acquaintances and have not yet found anyone who can verify my story, maybe because the ones who would have remembered it have all passed away.

The Vision

One Sunday a lady got up and shared a vision that she had received. It was obvious from the start that this vision had had a great impact upon her. She said that in her vision Jesus was returning and the roof of the church had opened up and she could see Him coming in the clouds. She said she began to shout and praise, for she was elated with joy. But when she looked around no one else in church seemed to notice that the roof had opened up and Jesus was coming in the clouds. She said she began to frantically go around trying to get people to look up and see Jesus, but they were too busy with what they were looking at. She said they all had what looked like cellophane in their hands and they were so intent looking at that cellophane that she could not get their attention.

I have been in evangelical circles all my life. Many times the current events have caught people’s attention as they look for signs of our Lord’s promised return. My memory of this vision has seemed to return to me at these times, keeping it fresh in my memory. There was a lot of excitement around discussions of Christ’s return in the late sixties and early seventies.  When Hal Lindsey’s “Late Great Planet Earth” came out and Israel was at war, the signs of the time seemed to be everywhere.

The events of the last couple of years should be a real wake up call for those who still believe in Christ’s soon return. Maybe I am just getting old but I do not sense that very many people are taking notice. Never before has the vision I remember from my childhood seemed more real. The picture I had of people staring at cellophane in their hands has been replaced with what I see all around me, people staring at their cell phones. Could this lady from my childhood actually have had a vision of what I am seeing all around me today? Has the church become so distracted that they do not recognize the signs of the times? Is the church of today so out of touch with God’s Word that they are unaware of their own spiritual condition? Will those in church be caught off guard when Christ returns? If we wait until the trumpet sounds, then it will be too late!


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